i made a book from scratch containing all the amazing tales from #C06RQ9TTEG3|!
introducing ✨tales from the trail ✨, a hand-made book that i binded with leather and some old-looking paper. i wrote about the AWESOME experiences that we had out there in the woods and all the amazing cool friends i made! btw tail is by far the best group! and the best part i think was the fun little 3d paper gadget things (tent that you can open and there are two sleeping bags inside), tiny lake dioramas (blue hot glue basically), pop-ups (a very wonky looking bear and FIRE!!) and other trinket stuff (like a magnifying glass to inspect people's faces if thats something you like to do)!
hope you enjoy! :)
fun fact: the book spine has pink himalayan salt hot-glued on for some reason
the entire book: docs.google.com/document/d/16lMUuA6GF8RqRvB3axDwEq4kIcqhxX17YrtS4XYHUTI/edit?usp=sharing
repo (including video): github.com/themagicfrog/talesfromthetrail
btw... another google-doc style recount about EVERYTHING that happened (that i know of) on #C06RQ9TTEG3| is coming soon
. it's very extensive, and SEVENTY pages
long . i just gotta organize it and shorten it...
@magicfrog0this is the first PCB i've ever made! introducing... ✨ magic frog's lightsaber ✨!! i designed it originally for #C06RQ9TTEG3|... but it took a lot longer than expected lol. it has a mpu6050 gyroscope & accelerometer and ardunio nano. when you move it faster, more of the neopixel LEDs light up and each axis (x, y, z) is assigned to red, blue or green.
i first designed the entire board not planning on using the ardunio nano or mpu6050, instead components built into the board but there were a tonnn of problems (one of which was burning the bootloader but then again got to use oscilloscope to see the data lines which was sooo cool) so i decided to change plans. the board has some fun lighthouse-themed silkscreens bc i was first planning on 3d-printing a case and making a lighthouse desk lamp.
also big big thanks to @ThomasStubblefield and @ky200617 for helping me out and encouraging me along the way! :)
schematic & kicad design -> github.com/themagicfrog/lightsaber
finally, here are some fun long-exposure light photos i took and pictures of the board!
@EvanGan0Day 147
Today I wrote a little script I am going to give my parents to send updates to slack while I am on the trail!
@EvanGan0Day 122 || 8 of #15-days-in-public
Today I worked on code for my FRC team, code for my group's trail project, and worked with @iUnstable0 to figure out a design for the back of our group's trail PCB. While we were looking for stuff to put on the board in the trail sticker Figma, we found some interesting ways people created the stickers.
@krisk0worked on my group's trail project, mentored some people at my FRC team's summer camp, and got godot vr to work! any game ideas? (heres an annoying error that resulted in me breaking my android studio installation so much that it persisted between reinstalls)
@Shreyans0#hack-hour 15 mins worked on #the-trail pcb with @24c02 and rest on setting up my first RN app for #cider