
Posts tagged with :sparkling_heart:

a different type of yap today: i like to jot and sketch random stuff down while doing things. i use to do it with paper, but it gets so messy and is kinda a waste... i got one of those cheap plastic/cardboard whiteboards from the dollar store, but those came pre scratched
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and just would not erase cleanly. the glass whiteboards at unis are sooo nice, but a smaller one is like 30 bucks on amazon
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figured this was a good and short weekend project! a glass whiteboard really just is glass + white paint i wanted a glass whiteboard at least larger than letter paper. glass panels were shockingly expensive and difficult to buy, and I'm not paying $10+ for just one piece of ultra-thin glass. picture frames were the next thing i tried to look for, but all the modern ones use that cheap, thin plastic film instead of glass. at a second-hand store, i found a picture frame with not one, but two 14"x11", 1/8" thick (which is pretty good) sheets for under $3 total. i figured i'd mess up the first one accidently. also bought some sand paper and white spray paint (less than $12 total) i cleaned the glass with soap + water and then alcohol. taped up the edges and went ham with the sandpaper on the glass for better paint adhesion later. i have zero clue how to spray paint, so I applied wayy too much paint on the first try. it got sticky and i had to sand it off to be more even and fixed it with a couple more light coats and a lot of waiting in between. i did a light sanding after it dried and i had a glass whiteboard
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dry erase markers erase so nicely on glass it was so worth it. costed in total less than $15, and i can make a second one, with spare paint and sand paper for other things
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Arf, arf, wrrf, wrrrf!!!
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Meow, mrrow, mrow Do you get parcels from a random place called hack club and want to see what's on the way and its status? eh, maybe not. But I do, and I don't like going to the shipment viewer because it's outside slack, i need to put in my email, get a link, annoying on mobile, ugghhh. (joking, it's a great site :) ) But what if you didn't have to do that? What if... it was in Slack. Introducing @PostPuppy ! Visit the app home to see all your packages just like you would on the shipment viewer. you can even opt to get notified when the status changes. oh, and if the email you use for slack is the same that you get mail to, it'll auto sign you in! (If you use a different email, you can open settings, enter an email and get a verification link sent to you)
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you can open the app home to try it out here :)
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ty to nora for letting me auto sign ppl in! want the code? check out github.com/transcental/postpuppy
today: • more athena nairobi stuff. interesting trend is alot of ppl would like to come with their daughters which is p cool! we are now at 10 guests confirmed ! • got to update endfemicideke w some recent info, i wanted to add more stats but there isnt quite an api for that so i might try calling an org linked in the site to ask if thats alr there but privately or we could see other ways to go ab it maybe i could help them make one (i should probably finish making my own first tho)
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• started exploring options for decor for our venue on pinterest • worked on a doc for the athena nbo event website team for the event, not done yet tho since im yet to confirm the schedule (i also made some changes to this, would love to know what yall think, time planning is... interesting because theres so much to do but such little time) + workshops (will do tmrw after our meeting) :D • some show and tell planning + thinking
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One of my favorite projects from last year: London Smog, a web/VR experience about the history of air quality in London, coupled with a wearable neck pillow that inflates around your neck to simulate the air quality changes.
today : 1. made braidsbuddy (very funny backstory, im currently undoing my braids and i wanted to do hatsune miku hair coloured braids next but i couldn't find the braid colour name so i thought why not make something that could help me do that) its kinda not complete because i used x-pression braids naming system which isnt universal so im going to need to add other braiding hair providers + their naming systems + also i didnt add the miku braiding hair since its not on x-pression but once i add the new stuff imma add it :D 2. did added my stuff to crates.io (ch. 14) nothing fancy lol. it was super cool seeing what ppl are making on the new crates section 3. athena nairobi - havent done much on this today since im waiting for a couple of stuff to be done
ok so today i had an incredible amt of inspo + a craving for boba so i made boba around (github), no progress on DTI sadly :') im feeling rlly nice ab making this :)
today: 1. the power was out for a very very long time so i didnt get to some stuff i wanted to do
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2. learnt some more rust, i still dont quite understand the concept of enums but i think i do, so im kinda in the middle lol, maybe ill show yall notes tmrw 3. got some more inspo (mostly from @Astron 's winter boba site, check out the scrap !!!) for dti IRL, yet to be added tho (moving bg and custom art) 4. started researching how to make the objectively best cookies, im gonna be making some tmrw
I learned OpenSCAD today. I love parametric stuff and the magic that changing one variable does. (blot art is so cool in the same way) I'm starting to use gridfinity but I wanted to cut down on the number of magnets I used cus $$, so I modified Gridfinity Extended OpenSCAD to add a center hole. I now can use 2 magnets instead of 8, and it's more than strong enough
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Yesterday I helped run the computer science table at our school district's middle school academy fair! talking hundreds of middle schoolers was very taxing, but it actually went great, we had a crowd around our table the entire time! I obviously advertised Hack Club a ton even though I was low on posters & flyers-- people loved the Sprig, the LED matrix (upcoming ysws 👀), the stickers, and most of all, the game! I projected my #C07MUFXNG82| pinball game onto the ceiling to draw people over & gave candy to people who could score 1000! I wanted to buy a gong with school budget that we could hit every time someone beat the high score, but even though it (shockingly) got approved it didn't arrive in time. Definitely gonna recreate this setup in the future!
Gonna try to start using scrapbook again! Today I spent a few hours making a cool startup animation for my Retrospect (MS-DOS) game! (DOS color palettes are hard!)
Today I spent most of my time debugging CoreData and WidgetKit errors...
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This page will now automatically populate with thousands of robotics match predictions during the 2025 FRC season!
no ui at the moment, but working on an anon chat window for my rm-os website, which works by hashing your ip address and user agent so everyone has a unique name. im working on getting any profanity out by using the www.profanity.dev api
Made some stuff for my portofilo website
worked on this some time ago but didn't ship. been a bit curious about brainfuck so i hacked together an interpreter in Zig. i think there's room for making the code more concise but it works. The demo video below includes an example of it running a sierpinski triangle brainfuck program i found on the internet Link to source: github.com/JosiasAurel/brainfuckz
Working on a new FAQ page System
back in nairobi ! post-ascend depression tho 💔 gonna get back to jurnl soon.
ascending !
Welp, spent roughly 30 mins on a poster to put in schools for high seas
I completed my first full PCB assembly using a PCB I made. The PCB I created it a re-creation of the stock one used for my 3D Printer that I added some new ports/connectors for, all without the original PCB files. I used both leaded solder and bismuth solder paste, this was my first time using solder paste and first time working with bismuth, I found bismuth's melting point to be excruciatingly low since the 4-layer PCB had so much thermal mass. Here are some photos I took along the way, lmk if anyone has questions.
first step to a hundred million real time particles maybe: 1 million at 60 fps (webgl limited)
another somewhat not so productive day since i didnt wake up feeling any better from yesterday
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i got to see a doctor tho :) aside from that today was nice :D i also submitted some school work so i dont have to worry about physics work until december. for now enjoy this podcast episode i listened to today!
didnt code but worked on some FD stuff & watched acon on gh universe :D (and saw my scraps on gh universe lol)
Created custom wall mount for my skis, since all of the ones I could find didn't display the art on the top sheet. Available on thingiverse: www.thingiverse.com/thing:6811562
did lots of maths work tday and worked on my spooky manor site a little today, ive realised i feel more productive if i try to get the general idea functional first before adding all the other coolsies and making the format prettier github.com/v1peridae/spooky-manor :)
quick research update :) that's c. elegans' neural activity & neuron structure stitched together from a dispim microscope. then some slides i've made to explain stuff
I started my project called CuMD (Custom Markdown) that will let you be able to easily generate html from text any way you want go see the readme for more info: github.com/AdrianRang/CUMD
day 4 of no code. today was a semi no-code day, i didnt do any coding but i learnt about it in my robotics class. i also did lots of maths work and econ work today for assignments i wanna submit early (i rlly wanna clear out my schedule by submitting everything wayyy earlier). i also got some tickets for an SMEs convention (im mostly only gonna use that to network for #C07J6TP1LLB|). counterspell related, i got to work a lil bit on the budget, if you wanna check it out its here :)
possibly the strangest art project i've made! i have an weird obsession with the orange trident gum flavour and i was just goofing around one day with the packaging when i got the most random idea ever. ✨ the gum room ✨ (
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), a goofy mini room with a bed, table, closet and other stuff made with a very interesting materials... gum boxes, gum wrappers, and gum ofc (most of it soft-ifyed in a bowl of water with chopsticks ok). i hope you enjoy, i guess? (also since the slack image limit is 10, im adding one more in the thread of the very beginning)
Maybe you don’t use Spotify but you want a way to share what you’re listening to? Or what if you want to share the Steam game you’re playing? Look no further than @SlickStats ! You visit the app home to connect it to your account and then input your last.fm and Steam API keys for your status to magically update with what you’re listening to or playing! I spent a looong time working on OAuth for this, but I’m really happy that it’s finally done. I’m open for suggestions of other services to add! One caveat: your automatic huddle status will get overwritten because it’s not technically a status - I’ll fix this eventually It’s all open source at github.com/DillonB07/SlickStats if you want to check it out!
sooo i scheduled a bunch of emails today using the template! ill go back to coding tmrw i promise
i decided to change course for #C07MUFXNG82| and use an actual engine: allegro! it took me a while to figure out the tooling and get to a place that's easy to develop, but i'm excited for where this goes repo: github.com/commonkestrel/lockbox
progress it slow but i hope i can finish before #C07MUFXNG82| ends! today i made it so i can make multiple elements, and change the active element with tab and tilde! i also made typing look a lot better! i wish DOS mode 13 used framebuffers :( repo is here: github.com/commonkestrel/arcade
so i completely gave up on embedded_gui for my #C07MUFXNG82| project and spent forever figuring out that the way i was clearing the screen in assembly was making it so that my text wouldn't render (???). i managed to get a fully working text input field with a cursor movable with the arrow keys though, so there was a little progress! repo: github.com/commonkestrel/arcade
A little bit more work for #C07MUFXNG82|! I found a crate called embedded_gui that makes it easy to make a gui with embedded_graphics, and i plan to make a sort of password game but making it just as difficult for all aspects of creating a profile. repo: github.com/commonkestrel/arcade
Contacted CF exec regarding sponsorship, tried to deploy zenith portal to cf pages, and worked thru lalrpop tutorial for #C07K0BPD39Q|!
Remade the whole hackclub.com/stickers site from its source code (bare html + css) and added waayyyy more functionality thats actually useful! Now the new sticker website lets you: -Add stickers to your collection by clicking on them -Remove stickers from your collection -Remember your stickers when you return to the site! Demo it here!: ampersandco.me/stickers Warning! Its kinda ass cuz I'm not that familiar with react or next js so I just remade it on plain html for now until I can learn 😭
Recently developed a project for a hackathon called ClassCade where you can create classrooms or enrol in them. Based on your marks in projects, tests, and assignments, you’re stats in a two player fighting game are affected. CSS still has to be added:
I setup nextcloud on my home server and designed a logo for it (it’s a Sun, get it?) following last month’s logo workshop by @acon (thx!)
I made a little nifty tool for onboard stats ig?
Made an RC plane too over the summer! (One of my most fun projects ever def)