… that’s enough of that. We occasionally like looking at channel activity. Unfortunately, Slack’s official stats page SUCKS. Poor @KaraMassie has been, like, manually putting stuff into a spreadsheet every week for months.
So. I built her a nice little webapp to see weekly stats in a much improved form factor! Always fun making things from scratch :)
And since this stuff is cool to look at and helpful for everyone, it’s public and open to contributions ->
@HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D80The Vermont Stock Market Game (State-wide school supported stock trading simulator, where basically we just get 100k to trade over a few months) ended just a week ago and it turns out i got 2nd place in the state (Yes, the 1st place was a non-student in a student competition), and first out of all students, out of 200+ teams. Now I have to meet with the superintended and some other people and attend some stuff, along with do some live stream thing
I think the reason I won is because most teams had a bunch of people who wanted to do different things, screwing over the whole team. I had a really small team, and did most of the trades, giving me the advantage of a more consistent strategy
I'm shocked I didn't loose all of the money lol, just spent 3 months shorting tech startups
small win but didn't have anything else to scrapbook
@philipstudentemail0I willfully sold my first stock today (MDSO was acquired and got sold for me). I sold one of my Nintendo shares because I worry about super long term performance, and I know that boarder other ETFs and Indexs) will likely out pace it. I still have 2 more Nintendo shares, and still think they will be somewhat reliable in the near term. Most of ETFs, Indexs, and Stocks aren’t going anywhere for a long time.