@Nikhil0#hack-hour I worked on the multi target camera so it zooms out as the players get farther apart. There are a few tiny bugs (it zooms in instead of zooming out 😢) @dainfloop0yesterday I broke prod, feeling good
@ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0015 minute capybara in Blender. Learning more about modifiers and keyboard shortcuts.... Still horrible at UV map textures 😂
@msw0@kayley asked me to make an orpheus rick roll animation, so last night i made it: youtu.be/jGXJxSwRoOg. just so there's no surprise, the video is a rick roll. it's not trimmed much though, so you'll have to wait through some of the setup.
@jeswinsunsi0Gimme some wafers too bois, yeah those silicon ones
@jeswinsunsi0When you realize that the only thing they taught you in school was wrong and it's supposed to be mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell.