Hack OC ship:
The Hack OC ✉️ mail server is up! mail2.hackoc.org
This Linode server listens for webhooks from hackoc.org, and then fetches information from
@linkai0i made a scrapbook clone for my school's hack club with integration to discord and airtable!
@caleb0I'm definitely showcasing an upcoming Bank feature, and not promoting Wack Club's donation page@rajanagarwal0speedran a site for my school's business club chapter powered by airtable (just over an hour)
@deactivated-charalampos0wahoo! passed the 100th commit mark (even tho most are from the original airtable+ repo lol)
@deactivated-charalampos0studying iterators and applying them on airtable-plusplus. Also, hello again scrapbook! Time to restart my streak as I try to rebuild airtable's official wrapper