We won the first prize with this for the Math in CS category! We had a few other fractal-based programs as well but this one's my favorite! (There's a slight audio delay in the recording)This took a solid few days, first time dealing with p5.js and fractals and all that. Basically, the fractals (specifically the Koch snowflakes) vibe with the music. And it's super trippy.
gathering inspiration for designing cool new stuff
, remaking my website yet again, running a new vanilla minecraft server (it's that time of the year again!) and [not in picture] studying for a small cs test tomorrow involving logic gates and algebra (? idk how that got into cs, we were doing just fine dealing with it literally everywhere else). can't wait for the weekend!
Epoch, Day 2. The end.
Honestly this was a fantastic experience, from vlogging the whole thing to meeting new people. Here's to more awesome hackathons in the future!
Also, there was a lot of clips and moments I wanted to include in this video but couldn't because of Instagram's video limits, so keep an eye out on the #epoch channel for the extended version in the coming few days.
2 weeks to go till Epoch, and here's the story of this sticker.
It all started a few months ago when genius minds from all over the world decided to brainstorm ideas for stickers they'd like at Epoch. We decided we wanted stickers with local Delhi references for advanced humour. And one such idea was to make a sticker that says Horn Ok Please, with Epoch-ish Hack Club elements in there. For context, Horn Ok Please is written on the back of trucks and lorries prominently seen in North India (in South India, we just have Sound Horn) to alert drivers of vehicles approaching from behind to sound their horns if they wish to overtake, in a country like India where honking is the primary source of communication between you and the other vehicles on the road. Part of the idea was also to make it look like Horn Ok Please was written on the back of a truck. I said, "OK OK LMAOOO WE'RE MAKING A STICKER OUT OF THIS".
Now I'm not exactly the most productive and efficient person out there, I thrive on deadlines. I would occasionally just visit the Figma file, do random stuff and close my tabs while I did not have exams, homework or both. Normally I'd be able to complete stuff while "occasionally" visiting but this one was a bit hard. There weren't many reference images I could find, other than a photo directly from the Wikipedia page. I somehow also found the same image from a frontal angle which helped me trace out the letters and create "Horn Ok Please" as an SVG (my Figma Pen Tool skills are unrivalled, they talk about my curves). I also needed some random art related to India, like peacocks and the Taj Mahal, so what I did was take photos from unsplash.com, remove their background and run them through svgco.de (WHICH IS A GOD SENT BTW, credit to @OjasSomethin' for pointing this wonderful tool out) to give them a painted and vector-y look. I quickly combined them together but I realized it didn't have the same back-of-the-truck feeling and other people were quick to point that out. @deven then points out that I should do "Hack Ok Please" ("cos the H matches") and a few days later, there's a better reference picture of a Horn Ok Please in #design.
In the thread where the image was posted, there was a lot of talk about getting the text bevels and shadows right along with identifying a similar font, which @sarthak narrowed down to a font called Syne, which fortunately was available on Google Fonts and I had it downloaded in no time. I decided to start with the background, and I wanted it to look realistic as possible. The question is, how do you make wooden planks in Figma? Sure, I could draw lines, and make it look realistic in a vector art sense but I wanted the right colour and texture. Well, what if I just placed a picture of wooden planks? That is exactly what I did, and it's called textures. A visit to textures.com gave me some quality seamless textures of wooden planks, and to make it pink I added a separate colour layer and decreased the opacity of the colour layer (I slightly colour-corrected the plank textures for it to be visible while still having the desired shade of pink). I also wanted the grooves (or gaps, whatever you call them) between the planks to affect the surrounding elements as if all the designed elements were actually painted on wooden planks. I did this by manually drawing out groove lines using the good ol' Pen Tool and giving it a slight drop shadow.
The text. "Hack Ok Please!!". It needed bevels. Neither does Figma have an option for bevels nor could I find a plugin that gives bevels to text. Having lost all hope, I wandered around on YouTube hoping some Indian tech guy could help me out when an unexpected ally rose to the occasion: pixlr.com/e. They could make bevels out of text input and export it into PNG - that was more than enough for me. I dragged the export across the browser and into Figma and used a freemium plugin called Image Tracer which I thought had already been exhausted of its 5 free trials but apparently not. I got an SVG, got box shadows using a wonderful plugin called oblique and added that stuff on top of the wood.
Only the decorations remained. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have much creativity in this area. The corners of my reference image had floral-like colourful designs and I wasn't really sure about manually tracing it using the Pen Tool. The floral-like design reminded me of something I used to do with my mom when I was a kid, where basically I'd take an A4-sized paper, fold the paper in half, put drops of acrylic paint of different colours on the crease of the paper and fold it again to create something that looked like a butterfly. I thought that if I could do something like that with the right colours, I could take a good picture with my phone, remove its background, change its colours a bit and use it in my design. After begging my sister to help me (spoiler alert: she did not), I decided to steal my sister's paint (she's not on Hack Club, so she won't find out) and perform the sacred method of "squish painting". Long story short, it did not come out like I expected it to, it was too narrow and too green for my liking. (I wanted to take a picture of the result I got for the sake of this scrapbook post, but the paint stuck to each other and now I can't unfold the paper and tearing it doesn't seem like a good idea.) At this point, I decided to give up on everything else and trust the mighty Pen. By listening to the Doom OST theme song and Cocomelon songs on a loop, I traced out the basic lines of the floral designs and just randomly coloured them with every main colour I could find.
By now, I was too lazy and uncreative to create my own assets, so I just screenshotted the flower thingy at the bottom of the reference image and then modified the colours a bit so that it matches the background colour of the sticker. Combine this with some smooth curves and spheres, and we have our decorations. To make it even more realistic, I got some grime and brush stroke textures from textures.com, removed their backgrounds, reduced the highlights a bit, increased the shadows a lot, halved the opacities and added the corners of the sticker.
Oh and I almost forgot, there's a slight amount of noise at the very top to give it a slightly dirty/realistic feeling, using the Noise plugin. Adding noise textures to my designs is a reflex action at this point.
Well there goes my attempt to build svgco.de in Figma using it's underlying technologies but without WebAssembly and no Node, Figma plugins are a bit limiting. Anyways, time to go back and continue working on
this epoch sticker is getting scrapped because @tejasag came up with a way better idea 👀
Alan Walker, KSHMR and Syence at Dubai!
Made bagels! I would consider this achievement significant enough to add it to my non-existent resume!
BART stations remind of the backrooms.
Guten Morgan!
Almost done with the basic draft of what I'm going to be talking about at The Lightning Talk! My talk is going to about a fairly serious topic; however I don't want it to be boring so next up is to create really fun slides! Also, Obsidian is really cool, I'm loving the translucent glassy background.
I wanted to give a mysterious dystopian vibe to The Corgi Mafia, and one common way to symbolize mystery and fear is distortion. Duplicated pictures of a corgi (generated by DALL-E) with low opacity close to each other does the job quite well. I intentionally abandoned any color schemes to give off a chaotic vibe. The color grading that makes it look orangish was done using the plugin Spectrum, WHICH IS A PAID PLUGIN (free trials ftw) that does something similar to what I could do for free by adjusting the saturation slider. As for the glitchy text, I used Morph which is thankfully free. Morph can do other effects, like neon text and glassy windows. Finally, to blend it all together, I used Noise!
Is explicitly importing types like shown in the image considered "normal" while using Typescript?
So I was working on Hack Club's link tree and was browsing through other Hack Club websites to make sure I got the Hack Club theming right. And I was doing this while listening to music, specifically Enemies - Imagine Dragons, when I noticed you could click on the header of Hack Club Workshops page to create cool animated blobs. Being a beginner osu! player, I decided to record it while clicking to the beats!Today's Figma MVP was this neat plugin called Image tracer. I used it to create a vector of ZEDD's logo and modified the Z to make it look like a C. I also used it to create the Assemble text in the background, which is from a screenshot of assemble.hackclub.com's header because I was too lazy to search for any branding images or SVGs.
Trying out Rust for the first time! After a few days of struggling with move-before-use situations and just Rust in general, I managed to have a triangle move around my screen when arrow keys are pressed. I have possibly written really bad code, but I'm just happy I managed to give a triangle wings. Would love it if y'all could give me feedback on my messy code: gist.github.com/khalby786/c4211667fd399a96ba39c0d3a1eb377b.
Reinstalled neovim and configured it from scratch, fixed Alacritty's broken configs and I think I did a pretty good job!
Yes, this is on Windows. 👀
0001 - 11/04/2022
vectors and donuts ft. figma
Throwback to my dino, I still don't know what this monstrosity is.
Total sucky start to my day, with the arrival of a damaged Hacktoberfest swag post with a torn t-shirt. At least there's some stickers intact ;)
I am weirdly starting to like Typescript. Wrote all my guestbook serverless function code in it, I feel a sense of superiority. And I love Supabase - great UI, great everything.
Now for the uploading comments part. My plan is to first validate and sanitize user input, generate a random ID for the comment which is stored in a second table, bcrypt the random ID and store the output hash, send an approval link via a Discord webhook which has the bcrypt output hash in the URL, clicking the link runs a different serverless function which checks the hash in the URL and compares it with the output of hashing the same ID from the second table. Pretty overengineered for a simple guestbook. The things I do to prevent spam.
My dad's response, after I sent him my Artemis I boarding pass, is simply gold.
Making a guestbook because I have nothing else to do (surprise, surprise). I'm just hoping I don't overengineer this into complexity. I'm suppressing (like KAY/O, can't resist a good Valorant reference) all my inner interests in using a framework, but in simple HTML, CSS and JS we trust.
And thanks @J_cordz about the info on Artemis, I guess I'll see you on the moon?
Flashback to my visit to Mars (in 2020), they had no donuts.
Hackclub x Valorant stickers >>>>>>> *
Alright, hello! First entry on my crapbook (yes, crapbook).
Let's start with me redesigning my personal website after months of laziness. I might have screwed up a bit because I was stupid enough to add a service worker in the old one which cached things quite well, and now people who had visited it in the past can't view the new iteration unless you hard reload it and I can't seem to find a programmatic solution.