
Posts tagged with :dizzy:

I built a student portal/site for my school! In the future, there may be AI and official district portal features thrown in as well, but at the moment it's primarily being used for my school's course selection since that's what's happening right now at school. I'm so happy to have finished building it! It's a project that I've been hoping to launch since my freshman year of high school but never had the coding expertise to execute, and now it's open-source and live for the 1,700+ students at my school to access! Using Next.js, React, and the magic of the Google Sheets API, I was able to sell the course catalog that my school has (and I now encourage you to check it out)! It's now available at mybla.vercel.app :D It's been awkward walking around and seeing people compliment the project due to seeing my name in weekly announcements but I'm happy that it already has a happy user base even after being released for a short while.
Moon looking awesome
Workshop Challenge Day 3: Sound Galaxy Had tons of fun doing the Sound Galaxy workshop! Though I should probably get back to writing an essay due soon...
Site is a little more mobile friendly after today
relaxing day with high level discussions around clubs. planning out the move to stripe issuing. draw some space stuff 🚀 with sharpie pens that @christina695 picked up at the art store (thank you!).
https://cloud-2tuvhgjox.vercel.app/0img_5332.jpg https://cloud-2tuvhgjox.vercel.app/1img_5333.jpg