
Posts tagged with :bulb:

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Gaynor McCown Hack Club
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OnBoard 2023 | Day 4
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Today, I designed my Computer Scientist NFC card!
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Today, I've come up with Field, an ngrok-alternative concept for tunneling and more easily sharing local deployments to the World Wide Web. I think this is a useful concept as an interesting hackathon project, and especially for the real world of developers (and perhaps even in actual hackathons). Who knows? Maybe one day my concept, Field, will become more than just a concept landing page... a real, live, operational tool that hack clubbers can tunnel their projects through!
Today I stayed home from school again due to sickness. I did make my lights automate with home assistant better.
Today I made experiments with leds, relays and my esp ! I also started to plan how I’m going to wire everything up to my usbc pcb :)
WHW Day 2-3 Worked on some custom leds
Day 3 of #hardware-party / WHW
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Got another cable and it worked so I loaded micropython & appropriate base code to control the leds onto the pico :) I also cut, soldered, and wired my ws2811 lights! However, i wasn't able to test it because the lights need 12v and i was planning on powering it with the 5v output from the pico... i'll try to buy a barrel connector plug tomorrow to hopefully resolve this issue! Also, since i was already soldering, i helped my mom fix one of our lights!! :)
Veronica Update - Lights Control ✅ WHW
#w-of-the-day day 33 more ELECtrONicS its the weekend so its all about fun, did a lot of toying with hardware
2 overnight timelapses, one before i installed the lightbar, one after
making my best attempt at blowing up my house
Tb to the very first circuit I made
Bro made an amazing working model of a jellyfish😂
It's kind of end of summer, already I honestly did not expected the nixie clock to take so long to build, and my goal has failed, I did not finished it for end of August. To be honest, it's fine, better to not rush something as expensive as a nixie clock to avoid doing careless errors which could lead to disastrous consequences. Today I got the top layer PCB, the missing piece now is the motherboard. I'll finish it, hopefully before 2021 as classes will start soon and will take me a lot of time. I guess it's time for me to draw conclusions about what I learnt while doing this project: • PCB designing is honestly fun on an occasional basis, I wouldn't like to do that all day though, it can become quite tedious quickly. • Nixie tubes are fascinating and not that hard to control when you have the right components • 170V power supply are tricky to find • Programming on a STM32 is really fun and interesting, will do that again instead of using a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino, there's much more control, at the expense of having fewer ready-to-go libraries • I did too much OOP for a clock again • I DO NOT recommend to wire up a nixie clock without a PCB, it's just hell • The common DS3231 RTC module has big problems, like having a """charging""" circuit which is just more dangerous than anything else because it does not have any protection and this module is often used with non rechargeable Lithium coin batteries, in my case it's mostly fine for now as I run everything under 3.3V so it doesn't charge the battery, I added on the motherboard a pin based switch to use 5V the day I recreate a similar module with an actual charge circuit (hopefully the motherboard will be enoughly future-proof). • Discovered this community, which is very cool, you are all super cool and supportive :D I really hope I'll be able to finish the nixie clock soon, and once finished I really hope I am able to show you all the final result. Thanks a lot for supporting this project ;)
Part of the 9 days of sharing some of my favorite quotes!
office update: liiiiiights 💡 more decor should b coming later this week
👏di👏no👏light 👏di👏no👏light
le homework
Began to work on the algorithm for the nixie tube array through shift registers! I had a little trouble with a part of the code which resulted into an infinite loop because I forgot about unsigned integers and decrementation while writing the code. In the screenshot look for the nixies variable which is the result of the work on that algorithm. (and nixie.hpp/nixie.cpp) And I pushed it to GitHub (github.com/LambdAurora/nixie_clock/commit/04bec99740df109aa000040f4ac211a3f8c4e43f)!