I created a website that delivers jokes, allowing you to react to them or share them in your group chats to make everyone laugh out loud. It uses HTML ,JS ,Css and API (official-joke-api.appspot.com/random_joke)
vercel : vercel-jokereactor-api.vercel.app
git repo and commits in scraps
the screenshotss
hope you like it
A program with Ada to know if a person can vote or not
New Year Countdown website which counts up to the upcoming new year! Vercel :newyrcounter.vercel.app this website is made by me Uses JS Css HTML
I made a spotify clone with HTML CSS JS REACT
It is just the ui for now
vercel vecel-spotify.vercel.app
the github repo is in session
also the commit links
made a instagram clone
i used html css js
very simple version
thanks for giving a look hope you like it if anychages please let me know
use a rotary encoder to set a distance threshold, which is displayed on an LCD screen. It also measures the actual distance using an ultrasonic sensor. If the measured distance is less than the threshold, a buzzer will sound. The rotary encoder's value is limited between 0 and 350, and the threshold is updated on the LCD screen whenever it changes. The system continuously checks the distance and activates the buzzer if needed.
just made morse code translateer . Morse code input from push buttons into English text and displays the result on a 1602 I2C LCD.
1 Dot Button (connected to pin 10): Inputs a dot (".") in Morse code.
2 Dash Button (connected to pin 6): Inputs a dash ("-") in Morse code.
5 Space Button (connected to pin 11): Inputs a space to separate Morse code letters.
3 Submit Button (connected to pin 9): Submits the Morse code input for translation.
4 on off Button (connected to pin 5): Resets the current input and starts over.(as per tinker cad switches naming )
it is of tinker cad as i couldnot do it on wokwi
its woking video
email : [email protected]