

0-day streak
The demo might take a while to load all the image assets and this is intended and designed for computers only. Escape room update: • Added laboratory • Added crystal/heart room • Browser has icon instead of nothing • More items • Updated This update was mainly adding two room and filling them with furniture. A few items are added and this sets things up for the next scrapebook. The objective is getting the purple crystal which has been added to the crystal room. Currently, it's in plain sight but later on, that'll be invisible and inaccessible until the required puzzles are solved. A few items are added to the inventory for testing purposes but will later be hidden elsewhere in the map in another update. Repo: Web Demo:
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Made my first hardware project for the bin. I'm inexperienced but really happy (with some hiccups) with how it turned out. There's 3 sliders to change the light for red, green, and blue and there is a screen thingy that displays the current color.
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Octodive update: • Add outline to collectibles • Pause added • New start menu art • adjust hitbox • adjust enemy spawn rate • fix cut-off octopus sprite • fix randomly missing hearts on the restart bug • sound effects for menus and restarting This is my last scrapbook. The jam is about to end and this is my finished product. As you can see, almost everything was just bug fixes and polishes. Repo: Game:
Octodive update: • Fix bug allowing player to dash again while dashing • Sand ground and occasional foreground that obstruct view • Fix the game becoming slower bug caused by some never-deleted entities eating up memory • New clownfish enemy • New jellyfish enemy • Optimized enemy spawn time to be more fair and reasonable • Some enemy sprite variation for flavor • New start and instruction menu screen so the player doesn't get dropped into the game instantly (instruction says green outlined stuff are good but I actually haven't added the outlines yet) The game jam is ending soon and I have school so I won't be getting much done after this. My next scrapbook will be the final scrapbook for this project and consist primarily of sprite and bug fixing. I squashed quite a few bugs but there's plenty more. Repo: Game:
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Octodive update: • Background music (I self-made it with Chrome Music Maker and although I had no idea what I was doing, I'm quite proud of the result) • Sound effects for dashing, picking consumables, loops, taking damage, and dying. • Fix the restart bug where no enemy would show up • Trash enemies have different "skin appearances" for flavor • Heart and ink bottle collectibles • Auto ink generator system that gives a boost automatically every 8 seconds (sprite will be redone to be more visible) • Invincibility after taking damage or while dashing In addition, there was a lot of code rebasing to make coding more enemies easier (not super smart because the jam ends soon but what can I say). I playtested for bugs and solved some along the way but a restart random hit bug is bothering me and I haven't found a fix yet. Repo: Game:
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Octodive update: • Swordfish enemy • Trash enemy • Ink counter (limits dashing and later update will have ways to replenish it) • Enemies now spawn based on distance instead of time and had spawn frequency adjustments • Add gameover scene with fun fact which is connected with the game to form an endless loop (currently bugged where the enemy never spawns unless it's the first loop. I'll fix that next scrapbook) • Dashing now makes the player invincible • Update on AI and art use Repo: Demo:
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Octodive update: • Pufferfish enemy • Health counter • More silver rings which now spawn based on distance instead of time • Distance counter • Distance and point counter moved to the menu div on the right to not obstruct game view Repo: Demo:
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Repost below because hakkuun was asleep yesterday when I originally posted: I'm working on Octodive which will be my submission for the game jam. There's some much I want to do and need to learn but hopefully I end with a decent final product. This was made with Phaser with Javascript which I think makes it a web game? There's so much bug and adjustments but here's what I have so far. Octodive update: • Animated swimming octopus • Score counter added • Going through gold rings rewards 5 points • Right arrow to speed up (WIP because no restrictions and some bugs) • Up and down arrow to switch lanes Repo: Demo:
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I'm working on Octodive which will be my submission for the game jam. There's some much I want to do and need to learn but hopefully I end with a decent final product. This was made with Phaser with Javascript which I think makes it a web game? There's so much bug and adjustments but here's what I have so far. Octodive update: • Animated swimming octopus • Score counter added • Going through gold rings rewards 5 points • Right arrow to speed up (WIP because no restrictions and some bugs) • Up and down arrow to switch lanes Repo: Demo:
jam emoji
Escape room update: • Added basement • Fixed bugs like closing the computer not closing the file • Toggling the different maps updates instantly and player no longer has to close and reopen map to see changes • Added shed and combo locks (try 8105) • Added more reference art Repo: Demo:
Escape room update: • Fixing the lightbulb lights up the room • Items can be dropped in the middle of the game like the goggle • The goggle is added which can be equipped to open a new map with a new location • Animations for after fixing the lightbulb and going in the dream world attic This scrapbook contained a lot of drawings sessions to make the sprites for the room as well as modifying existing functions. The goggle will be a core mechanic to access "dream" locations which will be fully drawn unlike the normal rooms. Repo: Demo:
Escape room Update: • Fixed offset flashlight bug by resizing game window • Replacing the lightbulb now lights up the attic with bluelight and plays an animation. • Improve clock puzzle menu to have another button to change the tens place. • Add sun/moon dial for am/pm • The computer menu outputs a wrong password message if the password was wrong There was also some refactoring with and creating functions to make playing animations easier or reduce lines of code. Repo: Demo:
Escape Room Update: • Create grandfather clock which is clickable to open up clock menu • clock has time unit of current time and the second updates every second • Going over the max second will reset the second and add one to minute and so on with minutes This was mainly just working on the clock interface, adding objects to store time info, and making a reusable menu creation function (which I hope will help create menus significantly faster and fix a bug I couldn't previously solve with the computer menu). The time can be changed but don't do anything as of now. I'll also have to make changing time faster because clicking a button 30 times isn't fun. Future puzzles will read off of this time value. Try clicking the grandfather clock in the fireplace room to see the update. Game Demo: Game Repo:
Escape room update: • add books and plants to the bookshelf • rain falling down the lounge window • combining items now displays the new item's image in the inspect menu • replacing the old light will update the light's image to be the new light I did some animations as well for the game but it's not currently implemented and just sits in my repo for now. The dark room and flashlight is disabled for now. Game Demo: Repo:
Escape room update: • Added bedroom • Added computer that requires password to unlock (the dummy passworn rn is *123)* • Files on computer can be opened There's quite a few bugs or improvements to be made but I'll get to them later in another scrapbook. Project Repo: Project Demo: Note: This may take a while to fully load since there's a LOT of image to load.
Update to my Escape room game: • Added feature to combine items in the inventory by selecting an item and clicking the correct combine item • Replaced all placeholder picture frames with artwork and added more assets • Many bug fixes and some code optimization Many of the invisible changes were code refactoring, making functions reuseable, renaming variables/functions, and moving stuff into folder to make my code more organized and easier to work with in the future. Game Demo (might be laggy initially): Repo:
Important: This is made and intended to be used on a computer which can fit the whole game. I'm making an escape room game with Javascript, HTML, and CSS. I got confused and thought the scrapbook was for finished projects only so I apologize in advance to the reviewer who will have to review 16 hours. Currently, the user can: • pick up items • use items • inspect stuff • move to another room but I wouldn't call it a full game yet cause there's A LOT to add and it's just testing as of now. I'll have to photo-manipulate images later so it looks a little nice, there's a lot of placeholders at the moment, and I have a recent bug that I must unfortunately fix. Demo link: Repo link: