@jaspermayone0MVP!!! My school used to use this horrible google sheet to track when we loaned someone a chromebook, and I built out a rails app to replace it! Deploy / Demo will be up soon I hope :)
@jaspermayone0Very successful day today! Attended #oblong-dev’s general meeting where we passed bylaws, and also had a #purplebubble meeting to start kicking the project into gear! @reesericci and I also worked for many hours on an authentication system in rails :)
@jaspermayone0@reesericci & I slaved away for the past very many hours, as he helped me start to improve / migrate an old project to Ruby on Rails (mostly so I can learn it!)
@reesericci0Day 16/10 for #10-days-in-public: I HAVE WORKING CRUD FOR THE DOMAIN DNS RECORDS!!!!! cc @m04
@sike0currently learning ruby on rails while developing hack club bank app pretty interesting
@reesericci0Day 10/10 for #10-days-in-public ! 🎉 Filling out the 10-day form rn! I also started on building out the scaffolding for the obl.ong backend with