
Posts tagged with :face_with_spiral_eyes:

This is a number guessing game in which the user have to guess a number between 1-100. If the number guessed by the user is high than the generated number then you will get a pop up saying that “you have guessed too high!” and if the number guessed is lower than the generated number then the app will display “you have guessed a number to low” and this way the game will continue until the user guess the correct number when the user have guessed the correct number the screen will popup with a message saying “you have guessed the correct number”. git deploy link akshatsinghania.github.io/Number-Guessing-Game git repository link github.com/akshatsinghania/Number-Guessing-Game.git video link hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1723128074771279?thread_ts=1723125851.239669&cid=C06SBHMQU8G