

0-day streak
I have made a charger for my (WIP) smart airsoft targets. The charger provides 10 connections for 5V at 2.1A so that I can charge 10 of the 20 targets I plan on making at once! Here is the git repo with all STEP files for CAD and STLs for 3D printing if anyone wants: Also here are some photos!
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I worked on an arcade leader board. Due to API changes it is now only available statically but the code is available on GitHub. Site link: GitHub: It is a fork of ImNoahDev/HackHour-leaderboard since I worked with him to fully rewrite his old leader board which only got people based on if they inputted their slack ID. My fork included using a slack bot to get a list of all users and poll data hourly for everyone, It was great but short lived due to API changes. I setup a static version of the site to make it more enjoyable and viewable though!
Hiya, Another update for my logger, louis-log. I have added proper process ending handling so logs are not lost due to program crashes! It has some good features: - Informative logging in stdout - Extremely configurable - Automatic log file splitting by date - Logs stdout logs and JSON style logs - Webhook Integrations with discord - Handles quitting to ensure all logs are sent before closing / having an error To install run npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log#stable-v0.9-clean-exit-update Github link: Happy Logging!
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Hiya, I have got an update for my customisable JSON logging solution called louis-. Here is a summary of the features: - Informative logging in stdout - Extremely configurable - Automatic log file splitting by date - Logs stdout logs and JSON style logs - Webhook Integrations It is on Github here: You can install it using npm running: npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log#stable-v0.7-webhook-update I have redacted my discord webhook url from the screenshots hence the red.
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I have made an extremely customisable JSON logging solution called louis-log. It is only on GitHub, not npm yet so installable by running npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log Feel free to have a play around! I'm still working on some of the other features such as webhook integration and custom colour schemes.