Created python PDF CLI tool. a simple program that allows the convert of Canva presentations to PowerPoint without removing the animations as Canva does. created a program that displays time, date, temperature, and humidity on an LCD. The NeoPixel LED changes from blue (cold) to red (hot) based on temperature, and the RGB LED varies all colors to represent humidity. Additionally, it fetches and displays current weather data from the Open-Meteo API.
I created a project using a Raspberry Pi Pico W that reads an analog input from a slider to control a servo motor and visually represents the slider position with an LED bar. Additionally, the project sets up a web server that displays the current slider value.
Created an alarm clock controlled using an IR remote. Use numbers on the remote to set up the digit, and use the previous and next buttons to change the current digit. Click play to confirm setting the alarm. To disable the alarm click the push button.