@reesericci0day 7/10 for #zachtoberfest!: ordered the
badges!! (i also paid for the venue!) - i don't love the proof but i won't get the badges in time if i don't sign off but oh well
@reesericci0For 6/10 of #zachtoberfest I got WaiverKit deployed on a linode for
@reesericci0day 5/10 for Zachtoberfest! I finished the badge design and ordered them from smartypass! They were def pricey because I needed 2-day shipping to ensure on-time delivery.
@reesericci0day 4/10 for zachtoberfest: #10-days-in-public ! I started work on the trivia kahoot for
, otherwise I did homework all day
@reesericci0day 3/10 for #10-days-in-public zachtoberfest! - ☎️ I got a
phone number! This will be great if somebody has a question during the event - or for in cases of emergency. I honestly can't believe we're only a week out from the big day. Also can somebody gimme a ring at 512-412-3889, that would be great
@reesericci0Thanks vercel!!! (For context: I got Vercel to send me a bunch of swag to hand out at
After like two+ weeks, I finally finished the new registration form!!
It's pretty simple but it actually uses a real DB and not Airtable, as well as sends confirmation emails. I'll be implementing a sendy webhook soon & tie in ticketing, prompter, and ships.
You can try it out today at register.hackaustin.net or view the code at github.com/hackaustin/registrations !
This took way longer than it should've...
@reesericci0Huge thanks to @sampoder for implementing my design to create "Version 2" of the