@m040I love framer motion it is so so cool@bejolithic0Experiment with WebGPU & Azure Kinect DK to create interactive generative art for our school exhibiting
@everest0Finally submitted stuff for my first assignment in photography class. (Due the day we get back from break…
@isacisboss7180I made some changes to my Minecraft skin generator, but here's a video my sister found on my cousin's tablet because it's more entertaining@e-lee-za0🖼️ Made this profile picture for my alt account/alternate persona, on phone, took a couple hours
@austin0yipitee yeet!! double postin td and i'm super happy w this 1!
mi Fine Arts Gala portraiture. 🖼️ i wanted a kinda funk/graphic vibe and i had a linolium plate and some carving knives in storage. *several* hrs l8er here we are :D my pfp kinda needed a refresh too so im vibin with thiss