@matthewvandyke080Ended hack club secret santa today after a bunch of fun, and got an analytics graph to work today!
@matthewvandyke080Got some more work done on my side project today. And most importantly sent out over 30+ dms to secret Santa members and made a fun update on the channel
@matthewvandyke080Finished Students Who Code Holiday Challenge by releasing the Top 3!
@SiddheshKulthe0It's not 25th (12:00) in India yet, still the enthusiasm made us crave for some fireworks! Merry Christmas Everyone 🎄
@matthewvandyke080Finishing up dev on Students Who Code V.2/redesign! Should be launching hopefully this weekend and am super excited about all the changes. Plus @giridhar.talla5139 and me are working on something special for SWC