

0-day streak
Today I decided to record and edit some piano music. I think it ended very good.
Piano is pog
Yesterday I went to a hike with my catechesis and was very fun. Most of photos is on the cathedral of Porto but I suggest, of u want, to see what is Torre dos Clérigos. (I wanted to take more pics but didnt have a lot of time 
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 ) Ask me anything in the thread if u want :)
Customized my Srapbook. I think it when really cool.
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Listening to the Hack Club Podcast and learning a lot about being a good Hack Club leader and programmer.
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Talking with @BenjaminSmith . We talked a bit about everthing and played a bit of piano for him 🎹 .
made my slack more organize, u should that too
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When piano and Minecraft combine, beautiful things can append.
LET'S GOOO (not coding but I still think is neat)
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