I made a model that tracks if you are playing the violin or punching someone on Arduino! I used Javascript, and learned how to use Tensorflow JS in Arduino. It currently isn't working too well, so I am fixing that rn. Also, there isn't anything to see due to the model not being used on the Arduino.
Repo: github.com/boblamceo/JsArduino
Model here:
I made an Arduino Mega 2560 clock using a 7-segment 4 digit display. The twist is that if you want to turn it on and off, you can clap twice in quick succession. To try it out yourself, open github.com/boblamceo/clap-clock.
Here is a demo of the clock ↓Using an Arduino, I have made a video game console! It contains four games, and is controlled by a joystick. Look at the videos for a preview on how it looks.
The Github Repo (with schematic and description): github.com/boblamceo/arduino-game-consoleI made an arduino program where you can play a random piece of music from a list and compose your own music:
github.com/boblamceo/music-playerI made a night light too github.com/boblamceo/nightlightI made a fan github.com/boblamceo/arduino-fan