Hey Everyone!, Here with my first CAD project, that I took actually seriously. I decided since I just wanted to learn, why not design something useful, which is what lead me to make a Stationary Organizer.
Before I show you the project though, I want to talk a bit about the design process, as I found it particularly interesting. During the making of this 3d model, I faced a lot of issues, mainly due to lack of knowledge, but what truly helped me solve this problem was the community. I felt this to be an encouraging factor, as it really proved to me that no matter what you face, there will be a community to back you up(which is also what HackClub is doing for me)
Github - github.com/pratyushV-l/stationaryOrganizerCAD/blob/main/README.md
TinkerCAD - www.tinkercad.com/things/j7T1EEIXgMB-magnificent-bombul-esboo/edit?sharecode=vd4Wl7wbjHPQO1VODKUiJaG2eFshGIM5VhZLdxaiAhs
Tell me what you think!!!
You guys probably thinks I'm crazy..., but you know how basically everybody starts their project without planning, well i got bored so I decided to follow the design cycle to make my product(which has 16 parts, with only 1 being creating the product), so here is my research:
Github: github.com/pratyushV-l/onlyNews