

0-day streak
I've builded a tabletop football game out of spare parts.
github.com/SkolaOffline/skolaoffline I (and my friends) wrote a new frontend for Czech information system that is supposed to make organizing school easier. But we were annoyed by how long it takes to just take a look where is the next lesson (10 seconds of loading time), so we decided to make our own app.
Imade a frontend wrapper for www.skolaonline.cz, czech education system that is supposed to help with education, but sometimes creates more pain than gain... If you want to check it out, we have a web version with a dummy mode (where you don't even need an internet connection). skolaoffline.github.io Project Github is here: github.com/SkolaOffline/skolaoffline scrapbook #2 post
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
first release of our cli-based client for SkolaOnline education system. it's a rough prototype for a actual app. if you have any suggestions how to write the app, don't hesitate github.com/SkolaOffline/SkolaOfflineCLI