I've completed a working version of my plugin SafeElytra which automatically opens your minecraft elytra when falling for smooth experience and safety.
Repo: github.com/KaspianDev/SafeElytra
I improved my plugins and they now feature releases so you don't need to build 🙂
Download [here](github.com/KaspianDev/SafeElytra/releases/tag/f728e49)
I've updated my plugins FishyBusiness and POBox with some new features (including both because one depends on another)
• Added sender support to mail (configurable)
• Added anonymous mail sending
• Added sending mail as FishyBusiness, can be renamed
• Improved/fixed custom icon support
• Improved commands, added new messages
• Added icon support for every fishybusiness reward for pobox hook
• github.com/KaspianDev/POBox
• github.com/KaspianDev/FishyBusiness
Screenshot showcasing sender support:
I've updated my plugin FishyBusiness with some new cool features.
• Updated POBox hook to better support the icon system
• Added a container-like reward for sending any reward as mail
• Added XP as a reward
• Added Sounds as a reward
• Added maven publishing to my gradle project to fix issues with jitpack
• Updated commands, added new config properties and added new messages
Repo: github.com/KaspianDev/FishyBusiness
Screenshot showing the newly added icon support for items and more:
I updated my plugin POBox with small QoL changes.
I've added:
• Workflow to build the project on each push
• Workflow to automatically release the project with a click of a button
• Mail icons that can be set with the api to differenciate one mail from another (will update my other plugin to support that soon)
• Updated the README file with more examples
Repo: github.com/KaspianDev/POBox
I've added a messaging module (also an extension for it when using spigot) to my project Kommons.
Konvo is the name of the module, it allows you to send messages to entities on any platform (for now by default spigot is supported as an extension and System.out for testing purposes).
I've written a ton of tests, added a bukkit test suite and improved publishing so you can easily get any module from jitpack.
Repo: github.com/KaspianDev/Kommons
I updated my library called Kommons with a placeholder system.
Basically let's say we have a string like this: "Hello, ${name}".
Placeholder system allows you to dynamically replace "${name}" with any value.
the whole system is modular and heavily abstracted, you can easily
achieve parameters in placeholders, for example: "${add
2}" can be
transformed to 3 when parsing.
I will be adding more abstraction and different systems around it but it's a complex topic and I barely understand it lol.
You can check many examples in the test module of placeholders in Kommons.
Repo link: github.com/KaspianDev/Kommons
I updated my minecraft plugin FishyBusiness with some cool changes including:
• Automated github releases
• Hook for my other plugin POBox
• Commands for points
• Safer placeholder handling
Repo link: github.com/KaspianDev/FishyBusiness
I just finished my first electronic project ever with bin.
I decided to make a stopwatch that also acts like an alarm, ideal for telling you when your arcade sessions ends 🙂.
In future I plan to remake it a bit to use a different display but for now it's pretty functional.
It took me some time to learn how electronics work but later it all went smoother.
Github repo: github.com/KaspianDev/StopWatch-Bin
Showcase video:I just released my java library called Kommons.
Kommons allow you to easily manage configuration files written in yml with bonus features like serialization of java objects.
Additionally you can use kommons to create colors, manipulate them and make cool gradients with different algorithms.
You can easily add it to your java project as dependency using jitpack repo.
Repo link: github.com/KaspianDev/Kommons
I updated my plugin PostCommands
I've added support for multiple permissions of the same type and a new permission that allows server owners to restrict what commands can be executed by a certain user.
I also added a readme file to act as a tutorial to how to build and use the plugin.
Repo link: github.com/KaspianDev/PostCommands
Showcase video (nothing changed when it comes to the REST api so the video is the same as in old scrapbook):I just finished my plugin POBox.
POBox allows you to sent items or other things to a virtual Post Office Box owned by a player.
That way you can stash items (for example things purchased from online store while player was offline).
Additionally my plugin FishyBusiness supports POBox to give players item rewards once player leaves the area to prevent item loss (inventory is reset when leaving the area), also players cannot claim their mail while in a fishing area.
Github link: github.com/KaspianDev/FishyBusiness
Showcase:Another showcase of my plugin FishyBusiness with some new features!
Some of the features are:
• Improved commands to add rewards
• Added a point system with placeholder support
• Added new reward types
• Added reward displays when fishing
• Added reward bundles
Repo: github.com/KaspianDev/FishyBusiness
Showcase video:Another showcase of my plugin FishyBusiness.
This time i focues on rewards and the fishing system itself.
Showcase video (fishing, rewards with three different rewards set up)I've completed a working iteration of my plugin FishyBusiness.
FishyBusiness is a cool minecraft minigame that allows server owners to set up special areas where players can fish for custom rewards!
Everything is modular and can be extended. There are multiple plugin hooks for better experience, but FishyBusiness can work even standalone.
I recommend checking out the github repo for more details (everything is well explained in TODO and README)
Showcase video (region setting, entering/leaving and swapping inventory):I've updated my plugin InstaMine
Some notable changes are:
• World, Dimension, Permission requirements
• Dynamic breaking sounds (specific to a block)
• Reloading
Showcase video (Material requirement of SHEARS, Main world, Obsidian):I've completed a bunch of updates to my plugin GrowStop.
It's now ready!
GrowStop is a minecraft plugin that allows you to prevent certain blocks from growing using shears by right clicking them.
Showcase video:I've finished the first version of PostCommands - A minecraft plugin that allows you to send commands to your server using HTTP requests.
This is very useful when trying to reward players remotely.
PostCommands uses JWT based authentication, thanks to that you can create "users" who have different permissions (for now there is a command sender permission which allows you to restrict sending commands only as player or only as server). Each user has a token for secure access. Everything is protected with a master key which is securely random for every new installation of the plugin.
Showcase:I've updated an open source minecraft plugin uShop.
uShop allows you to sell your items in a gui all at once. Server owner can define a value for each item.
My fork cleans up the plugin a lot, improves performance and overall code quality.
It also adds a neat feature: Server owner can balance the economy by setting a limit for each player.
The limit can be either based on items sold or the overall value of sold items. Limit is reset every hour.
I've also added support for a popular library PlaceholderAPI which allows other plugins to know how
many more items player can sell or how much money the player can make in current hour.
Showcase video:I've added live system to my game "WrongLane" for Sprig.
Each difficulty has different lives.
Additionally, I improved the difficulty selection experience and added new sound when crashing.
Showcase video:I've updated my minecraft plugin InstaDeepslate and renamed it to InstaMine
The plugin doesn't have any hardcoded values anymore, everything is based on a requirement system.
You can specify any blocks in the config and add requirements to them, if all requirements are met, the block will be insta-mined by player.
PS: Check out the README, it contains valuable information about the plugin and explains all functionality very well.
Showcase video (I've made diamond pickaxes instamine obsidian):I just completed most of my game called WrongLane for sprig. You
basically have to avoid the incoming traffic from crashing into you.
There are 3 difficulty modes with different speeds and car spawning distance.
I've made a small minecraft plugin someone requested 🙂
It basically enabled instamining for deepslate (if you have faster mining effect and most OP pickaxe in the game)
I'm planning to add configuration in future too!
github.com/KaspianDev/InstaDeepslateI've created NBTGui - A minecraft plugin that allows managing NBT data easily (very useful for developers and server owners!).
It works like the popular program NBTEditor except everything is done through game gui and commands.
Recommended spigot/paper version: 1.21 (1.19 and above are supported)