@rayhanadev0Creating a CLI tool that allows for the programmatic creation and orchestration of several Repls and Deployments and associated resources.
@PotentialStyx0Wrote a DNS server (with binary encoding/decoding from scratch) that lets you interact with replit via special "domains"
@JonathanDeiss0Day 24: I started work on the DELB Stack. github.com/FireSquid6/delb-stack@swarnya2460day 2 of #10-days-in-public
today i completed two more challenges on cyberstart. i'm almost done with the first base! the challenges are getting progressively harder...
@JuanGonzalez0Yesterday we did the sound galaxy workshop during our meeting, can't wait to see how the other club members' sound galaxy came out and how they made it different! Here's the one I made sound-galaxy-starter.juangon03.repl.co