PicoRPG: Implement a save system that writes player position and current map to a portion of flash that can be loaded from the menuPicoRPG: Built out proper interaction code and created sign object that you can read. Lots of code cleanup to make things more modular and added outdoor area
More work on PicoRPG. make character sprite render transparently and add a background map
Working on a Godot game based around changing size to complete platforming challenges. (yes this was for the GMTK game jam but I got busy 😞)
More work on my Sprig/Pico RPG. I implemented music, character and title screen sprites (this took way too long).
github.com/ColinVanderMeer/PicoRPGI'm working on a game for sprig built in a custom engine. I was disappointed with the limits of the spade engine for sprig so I decided to try and make my own engine for sprig.
github.com/ColinVanderMeer/PicoGameMaking a bluetooth version of Nintendo 3DS Streetpass for Pi Pico W. If anybody is knowledgeable about BLE in micropython I would appreciate guidance on the best way to transfer data (because I haven't been able to find much good documentation)
Working on a Godot game for the pirate software game jam. Just finished the maze pathfinding
Finished the second map of my Half-Life campaign, featuring some familiar designs (all arcade cabinets are based off of hack club stickers).
I created a Sprig sokoban game called Cheese Terminator based on Microsoft's official sokoban game for Windows 3.1. It's got 10 different levels to play through.