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summer-of-making emoji
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/scrappy setcss <>
summer-of-making emoji
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github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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python emoji
Reached CH: 5 Data Types of Dave Gray’s Python Beginner Course! Just finished a rock paper scissors game, my first programming project 🙂 I don’t know why I didn’t start programming earlier, this is fun.
Did 6 of TooTallToby’s CAD practice models…mostly tier 3s. For several of these the mass is slightly off, and I currently cannot figure out why because all the dimensions match the diagrams, and the materials seem correct as well. If any of you do find an issue before I do, please ping me 🙂 P.S. Some of these were done before I saw the announcement requiring stls as well as step files (I saw it yesterday), so I hope that’s ok.
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji